Sunday 17 June 2012

Australia Ads

Here are the Australia ads we recorded on Friday. 
Watch them all and then post a comment:
Which video (other than your own) did you think would be good for tourism in Australia?
What message does it send the world about Australia?
Did any of us use stereotypes in our ads?
Why do we need tourists in Australia?


Emily said...

I think Hannah, Jess and zacs add would be good for Australian tourism because it was really informative about the places you could visit in Australia and made it sound like a really nice place. Their add was also easy to understand and not boring. Their add sent a message that Australia was a fun and inviting place with lots of activities that you could participate in if you came. Hannah, Jess and Zac kind of used a stereotype at the start of their add with the Steve Irwin style crocodile hunter. A few groups used the "Pop another shrimp on the Barbie" which is kind of a stereotype because it now is really well known. We need tourists in Australia because it allows our buisnesess to get money from accommodation, food etc; from the tourists.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Zac, Jess & Hannah would be a good Australian tourism ad because it had lots of stereotypes like catching crocidiles in it and made Australia look like we have lots of nice people here. I believe we need tourists at Australia because it rises Australia's economy witch will help Australia become a healthier country.


Anonymous said...

I think Josh,Josh and harry's ad would be good for australian tourism because it makes australia sound like a really nice place. Their ad sent the message that australia is a fun place. Finn, Oli and John's group used a stereotype when John mentioned. We need tourist to came to Australia to help our business to make money.


Anonymous said...

I think Emily, Haley and Lily's ad would be good for tourism in Australia because it made Australia look like a great place to as well as adding a bit of glamour to it by adding in celebrities into the mix. I also liked the fact that they aimed it at American tourists. The ending authorisation slide making it look official looked pretty cool. JEB, JAB and Harry also did well.

Hannah, Jess and Zac used the crocodile-Steve Irwin stereotype. Also Indie, Neeve and Tendo used a small stereotype for an Aussie kangaroo.

We need tourists in Australia to stimulate the economy and therefore get a better Australia by getting better facilities because of more money

Thanks ~Finbar~

Anonymous said...

I liked Harry and host and josh because it sent a message to the country that Australia had lots of cool places to visit. Yes there were some stereotypes when they said that chuck another shrimp on the barbie and Lots of group had people playing AFL.


Anonymous said...

i liked johns one because it was cool
john and brandon

Anonymous said...

I liked all of them because they were all really good. Victoria

Anonymous said...

i liked all of them because they were funny


Anonymous said...

I liked the one of Zac, Hannah and Jess because it was really silly with the crocadile

Anonymous said...

I liked Hannah's one as it had australian features and was just awesome!! Ecspecially the crocidle!!! Hayley

Matt said...

I think my one in 6L is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt said...

There were quite a few good stereotypes used in these videos. I think that with good tourism ads Australia could take off. I think the best one would have to be Emily, Haley's and Lily's because of all the stereotypes and how they made Australia look like the best country in the world (which it is):) But it wasn't as professional when Neeve cracked up in the middle of it. But in my eyes they were all pretty good!